Monday, February 16, 2009

When Can I Start making Passive Income Writing Online

The answer of course is today, it is not fast money, but making money online is easy if you are persistent. If you really want to start making Passive Income Writing Online then you should start now. It takes some time to build up to a real income. You can get some money to trickle in slowly over time, but to really make money you will need to start out slowly. You can start by creating your own blog. I like because it is free and you do not want to start by creating bills for yourself. You absolutely do not need to have any overhead for starting a blog and starting to earn money, you just need you and your computer and your keyboard.

How Can I start making Passive Income Writing Online?

Start by creating a blog here at Use a title that includes your keywords. This will help you later on with search engine optimization. SEO as it is called is very important in sending people to your website. You will want to get a niche keyword phrase. If you cannot find what you want available, then you can always use dashes to get the keywords you like the best.

You can also open a blog on another website such as BUKISA or TODAY.COM, they will pay you to post articles. Not much at first but over time it will add up.

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