Friday, September 4, 2009 Really Works! August Earnings Report

It is really true, the passive income method on really works. In August I made $488 dollars from eHow. The amazing thing is that I only wrote 10 articles in August. I normally write about 100 articles per month and those articles add to the bottom line.

This month, I wanted to see if I would continue to make around $500 per month without writing and the results show that the experiment worked. is a great place to make a passive income.

I have not written any articles for September and I have made $54 in the first three days. September is looking good as well.

I do have over 600 articles on and I do lose a few every time they have a sweep.

In the last sweep, I lost 9 articles. One of them was one of my top 10 earners and had been since January. Bummer.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that you do so well at eHow. I am enjoying it there too, but have a long way to go to get as far as you have! I'm surprised you lose any during the sweeps, you seem to have the formula for articles down pat.
    Keep up the excellent work.
    Write Moms

